Bama Breeze

About Me

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United States
I love life! The GOOD, the BAD and the UGLY. Without the ugly, the good would go unappreciated! I prefer to keep myself around positive people who are down to earth and REAL who have a sense of humor. Funny, "out there" people... well, they are just the best damn people in the world. (smiles) God, family and friends are what life is all about. They will always be number one in my life. I TRY everyday not to lose sight of what is important on this journey. There are sooo many beautiful things in life overlooked. Take time to enjoy the small things. Take the scenic route,instead of the highway. Go fishing, skinny dip, dance in the rain, smell an exotic flower, taste an exotic fruit, walk barefooted, Do something you've never done. Life is short.LIVE IT! DARE TO BE DIFFERENT!!

March 25, 2011

Remedy of the day ... eeeew foot FUNGUS

                                                                     Go from
Hurt, angry and frustrated

                                                        comfy, happy and calm
        Its almost that time of year again. Heat, humidity and bare feet = Foot FUNGUS!!
Get control of it now and learn to prevent it before its too late. .Here are some great remedies to stay...

Take - 1 Cup of Epsom Salts, 1/2 Cup of Clorox
Fill up foot bath with as hot a water as you can stand so it covers your feet and soak for 20 minutes or longer. If water gets cold add more hot water to keep the water warm. Do this each evening for 3 days until foot fungus disappears.  Wait a week before doing it again if you have really bad fungus. ( I personally do not like this idea)

Vinegar, apple cider :
Try rubbing it on the affected area with cotton balls. Let dry for 30 minutes. Rinse off.
Put a cup of vinegar in several quarts of very warm water and soak the foot for 15-20 minutes; repeat twice a day. This remedy will also kill fungus that has gotten under the toenails. Vinegar is effective because it makes the pH slightly more acidic.
Garlic Remedy - One method is to rub a clove of raw garlic on the fungus. A second method is to put some freshly crushed garlic on the affected area and leave it on for half an hour; wash with water. Do this once a day for a week and the athlete's foot should be gone. If the garlic burns, remove, wash with water and try again with diluted garlic juice. You may have to play around with this remedy to get the potency that is right for you. Garlic is an excellent antibiotic, and studies have shown that its compounds can kill the fungus that causes athlete's foot.

Ginger Remedy -
Ginger is a strong anti fungal. Boil a cup of water, add one ounce of chopped fresh
ginger, and simmer for twenty minutes. Let it cool and apply to your feet twice a day. 

Tea Tree Remedy
Tea Tree oil derived from the leaves of the native Australian Melaleuca alternifolia tree, contains antiseptic compounds that are a very effective skin disinfectant. Depending on severity, use 5-15% solutions daily, diluting the tea tree oil with olive oil. Rubbing some on the affected area with a cotton ball several times a day for three to five days should eliminate the problem of Athlet's foot.
Dust your feet twice daily with garlic powder or wash with garlic juice and see the result !!

An effective herbal remedy for curing Athleet's foot uses chaparral.
Mix six tablespoons of dried chaparral to one quart of boiling cheap whiskey or wine; reduce and simmer for 20 minutes; remove and steep for 8 hours.
DO NOT use aluminum cookware! Soak your feet in this solution.

Prevention tips for  - Athlete's foot

  • Wash your feet daily.
  • Dust an anti fungal powder on your feet and into your shoes.
  • Wear socks made of cotton or wool, and change them at least twice a day or when they have become damp.
  • Treatment should be continued for two weeks after the symptoms have disappeared to ensure the infection has been treated effectively.
  • In public showers, do not go barefoot; use rubber sandals.
  • Keep your feet thoroughly dry, especially between your toes.
Stay foot fabulous!!  ~~ Christy~~

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